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Who We Are

It is our sole dedication to work to unite, educate, empower, and support our

communities, seek qualified candidates for public office, strengthen

and safeguard our democracy, build our economy, protect our sacred

institutions, and maintain our values to secure a better quality of life

for all.

Our Values

Accountability - Leaders are responsive to the public interest and

people are able to hold their leaders responsible for their conduct

through institutionalized checks and balances including regular,

inclusive elections that are competitive and credibly reflect popular


Civic Participation - allows citizens to influence policy, local values,

and local government priorities by voting, community involvement,

being politically active, and/or volunteering.

Civic Involvement - is the participation of people in government and

democratic processes which can include voting, political activism,

volunteering, and community engagement.

Code of Ethics - conforming to standards of what is right and good

Equality/Equity - All people are treated justly and according with their

diverse conditions.

Inclusion - Seek, respect, and incorporate the many diverse voices

and views.

Pluralism - Free, open, and peaceful competition of ideas is

universally embraced.

Transparency - Political activity is above board and subject to public


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